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4 Signs That Determine a Leaky Shower Base

· Bathroom Renovation
Shower Base Melbourne

Water is the ultimate priority that we cant deny. When you install Shower Base Melbourne and it doesnt give as good a result as you expect, then you need to seek the help of experts.

Whether you find Shower Floor Leaking or shower base problems, every issue related to your shower needs proper attention.

If you are in trouble with the water that is suddenly coming from the bathroom, it can be because of the shower leaking. Before you panic and call any plumber, you should get into a few signs that indicate that you might have a leaky shower problem.

1. If water suddenly come from the shower floor

It is impossible to tell that the leaking water problem is coming directly from your shower floor. If you ever notice that watermarks on the ceiling above, it is considered a red flag. In case if you want to check it out, clean the shower floor, let it dry, and then cover the drain using duct tape. Now, you can fill the shower with water and then wait until 15 minutes then, you can completely see water start forming on the ceiling. If this is what you find, the issue is related to a cracked shower base.

2. If you find water on the bathroom floor

If you find that there is lots of water gathered on the bathroom floor even after a shower, there can be a problem due to a leaky door. Shower doors depend on a tight fit and good seals that can prevent water from breaching the shower area and it will also get into the bathroom. You need to make sure that your shower door is still just perfect and check the seals to make sure that they are not going to be brittle. You can also replace shower door seals to make sure that it is snug and tight.

3. If pipes cause problems

If you find water seeping through the walls or ceilings, the reason behind it is always a leaky shower base. Many times, the reason behind it is plumbing behind the walls or floors. If you have old pipes that tend to wear down with time or if you have any problem with a fitting that you need to replace. The considerable fact here is that a plumber can handle leaky pipe problems and fix them for you. On the other hand, you have to rip out parts of the floor or walls to troubleshoot problems.

4. If shower leaks from the drain

The problem with drain is common in many cases and it even becomes worse when you find leaks with your plumbing. You should troubleshoot the part of the shower after checking the condition of the shower floor.

When you find any of these signs that we have mentioned in this guide, we suggest you seek the help of an expert Shower Base Melbourne Company to find and fix problems.